Wolfram Alpha Commands List
Here is a list with the most useful commands for Wolfram Alpha website:
Function | Commands |
Cosine of x | cos(x) |
Sine of x | sin(x) |
Tangent of x | tg(x) |
Natural logarithm of x | ln(x) |
Base-b logarithm of x | log(b,x) |
Multiplication | * |
Division | / |
k-power of x | x ^ k |
Square root of x | sqrt ( x ) |
k-th root of x di x | x ^ (1/k) |
Absolute value of x | abs(x) |
Limit (automatic) of f(x) | Lim f(x) |
Limit of f(x) for x that goes to k | Lim f(x) x to k |
Limit of a sequence | lim f(n) |
Infinity | infinity |
Infinity (negative) | -(infinity) |
Sum of f(x) from A to B | sum f(x) from A to B |
Sum of f(x) to infinity | sum f(x) to infinity |
π (Pi) | pi |
Imaginary unit | i |
Derivative of f(x) (embedded) | f’(x) |
Derivative of f(x) (just solve) | derivate f(x) |
Derivative of f(x,y) respect to x | derivate f(x,y) in x |
Derivative of f(x) in the point x=a | derivate f(x), x=a |
Indefinite integral of f(x) | integrate f(x) |
Integral of f(x) from a to b | integrate f(x) from a to b |
Equations system between f(x) and g(x) | f(x), g(x) |
Area between f(x) and g(x) | area between f(x),g(x) |
Tangent plane to f(x,y) in the point (a,b) | tangent plane f(x,y) at x=a,y=b |
Solve | solve |
Graph of f(x) from A to B | plot f(x) from A to B |
System of equations, inequalities, expresssions | Use a comma to separe each element of the system |
To compute derivatives or other expressions in a single point – let’s say [a,b] – just add: “when x=a, y=b”
Advanced commands: Signals Theory
Interpretazione | Commands |
Heaviside function of t | H(t) |
Triangle function of t | TriangleFunction(t) |
Laplace trasform of f(t) | LaplaceTransform f(t) |
Inverse Laplace transform of f(t) | InverseLaplaceTransform f(t) |
Fourier transform of u(t) | FourierTransform u(t) |
Inverse Fourier transform of f(t) | InverseFourierTransform f(t) |
Residues of f(z) | Residues f(z) |
Transfer function analysis | TransferFunction G(s) |
If you need further commands, feel free to leave a comment in the form below.